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Jaguars Quarterback Jake Luton: Sunday, November 8, 2020

(On how he would evaluate his first NFL start) "It'll be good to look at it. Right now, it's really fresh and new. It felt really good to get out there. I felt like we played really hard and I'm really proud of how we played. I wish we could have finished it off, but it was awesome just getting out there."

(On the two-minute situation near the end of game and if he felt comfortable going into that situation) "I felt really comfortable. I felt confident. We talked on the sideline when we came out and I just told them 'hey, just do your job. If all 11 of us do our part every play, we don't have to press, we don't have to go super-fast, just do your job and we'll drive it down field.' We did. I thought the guys did really well. I felt good. I felt comfortable."

(On if he felt star-struck at any point during the game) "No, I was more nervous for like my first practice this week. I just wanted to come out and have it run smooth. Once I got out on the field, it's football. It's the same 100-yeard field I've always played on. We practiced it all week, all the plays and stuff, so I felt confident and comfortable and never felt overwhelmed with the moment."

(On his comfort level on his touchdown pass to DJ Chark Jr. and how much that helped him get his feet wet) "Yeah, I mean I'm sure it helped a lot. It was awesome. It's a play we've been working on this week and he [Chark Jr.] did a great job. He beat him pretty bad and I just had to give him a good ball that he could run through and make a play, and he finished it off. I was really excited; it was awesome."

(On if he had any game rust coming into this game since it's been almost a calendar year since he's played) "Yeah, I felt good. I didn't feel too rusty. Like I said, I treated every practice this week like a game. I felt like I needed to go out there and show that if practice can run smooth, with me in there, there wasn't going to be any drop-off or anything. By the time we got out there on the field, I was comfortable and ready to go."

(On his 13-yard touchdown run and showing his athleticism) "I wouldn't say it's my strength, but I think it's something I can do that not a lot of people think I can because I'm a bigger guy. I've run the ball before and it's not something I choose to do but when the opportunity arises, I'm going to try and go out and make a play with my feet and I was able to do that. It was fun, it was pretty cool to have that play."

(On the two-point pass and if there was some obstruction getting the ball to DJ Chark Jr.) "Yeah, it was just a bad ball. Really, no other excuse for it. DJ is our guy and we're going to try to get the ball to our playmakers and let him win us a game. I didn't give him a shot, so it's something I'll have to keep working on and we'll come back and get it right."

(On the kind of advice Gardner [Minshew II] and Mike [Glennon] gave him prior to this game) "I mean Gardner and Mike are awesome. They've been really great mentors for me this whole time and today, every time I came off the field, they had something to say to me, something to help me out. Whether it was a blitz they were bringing or the type of coverage they were running, they were really helpful. I haven't talked to them after the game but I'm sure we will. I'm sure they'll text or call because that's the kind of guys they are. They really look out for me and I'm very appreciative of them."

(On what he'll remember more on TD run, his stiff arm or spin move) "Probably the stiff arm. I think with the spin move, I didn't really know what I was doing. I was trying to make something happen, so probably the stiff arm."

(On if there was a moment when he soaked it all in and thought to himself 'dream accomplished') "For sure. I think before the game, just going through warmups, and I looked up and my brother is sitting there in the first row. We're waving and all excited and it's a really cool moment. A really cool opportunity and something I've always worked for. I took a second to appreciate it, I think that's important."

(On how many family members he had come to the game today) "Oh man. I think it's around 30. I think it might be 29, but I think every family member I have pretty much is here. I had a couple of my really good friends make the trip down and tried to surprise me, but I found out. Yeah, ton of great support. I have an awesome system that supports me and this just shows it. I'm as far away from home as I could be and they dropped everything on the drop of a hat to come support me, so I couldn't be more grateful for my family."

(On which family member traveled the furthest) "They all did. They're all up north of Seattle, Washington, so you can't get much further. South Florida is about the only further place you could go."

(On if he thinks he did enough this week and today to earn serious consideration to be the quarterback moving forward) "That's not really my decision. I think I'm going to do everything I can to put this team in a position to win and I think Gardner [Minshew II] and Mike [Glennon] are going to do the same thing. We all prepare really, really hard every single week, regardless of who the guy is going to be out there taking snaps on Sunday. We're all preparing that way and helping each other be the best we can be so, I'm not sure. We'll come back tomorrow, watch it, and keep working and supporting each other."

(On what he and his teammates did to get that comfortability in that short time) "Yeah, I think you just have to go out there and rep it. Get out there with the guys and get a feel for one another. Throughout the week if we missed a pass, we would run it back, we'd get after it after practice, we'd try to hit it and make sure we felt confident going into it. I think DJ [Chark Jr.] is the perfect example. That first touchdown pass, we repped it two or three times and we missed them every time. We come out today and because we repped it and had a good feel for each other, we hit it and were able to capitalize."
