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Jaguars Quarterback Mike Glennon: Wednesday, December 2, 2020

(On his performance last week and finding out he'd be the starter again this week) "I think looking back at the game, there was a lot of good things, made some good throws and then a few throws [I'd like] to have back. Obviously, you look at those 2-point conversions and those could've been difference makers in the game, so both plays you wish you could have back, but that's part of the NFL. You have to move on to the next week. As far as the conversation, there really wasn't much. [Head Coach] Doug [Marrone] just told me, 'We're going with you again this week.' It was left at that. As far as week to week, I mean I understand it. It's a performance-based industry. All of us have shown flashes and it's about consistency and I get it."

(On if being named the starter boosts his confidence) "It's good to have the respect of the coaches and for them to say that that's great, but at the end of the day, it's about going out there week after week and stacking good performances. That's one out of however many games we've played, that's one out of 11. So, [we] have five games left and hopefully [I'll] continue to build on things we did well and improve on the things I didn't. It's good to hear but like I just said, anything can change in a given week and [I'm] just going to take it one week at a time."

(On the chemistry in the quarterback room) "I think it's really good. Up until last week, my role was to kind of help them and I think I've done [that]. I've been there for them, had their back, and tried to relay my experiences and knowledge. Now that the roles have changed, everybody has each other's back. There's no taking sides or all that. It's just kind of next man up. I helped them, now they help me. It's a good group. They're both really good guys and I've enjoyed working with them."

(On if the last games are valuable as game tape even though there isn't a possibility to make the playoffs) "I think that's kind of what the NFL is. Every week, your film is your resume. You want to do your best for your current situation but that's just kind of how it works is for your future employment as well. It matters what you put on that tape. I don't know if statistically we're out of the playoffs or what but we're here, we're going to try to get a win, get back on that winning side. At the same time, you always want to put out good tape and I think guys are aware of that."

(On if a high effort level is a plus to have on tape when the playoffs aren't on the line) "To me, it'd be more of a negative if you're not putting the effort in. I mean come on, we're professionals. This our job. You better be giving it your all every week, so that's just what the standard should be. It shouldn't be whether you're in the playoff race or not. It should be every week you're giving it your all because that's what your job is to do. I think it'd be more of a negative that if you're loafing because you're out of the playoffs. That's not the right way to go about it."

(On Titans QB Ryan Tannehill's revitalized career is something to model his career after) "I think that would be a great example. He did a little more, he got his team to the playoffs last year and made a playoff run. But I think anytime you're kind of a guy that has started a little bit but hasn't played a lot recently, these opportunities are great opportunities for the future. Kind of going back to what I said last week, it's still the same mentality for me to go out there and enjoy it, let it rip, and worry about next year when that time comes. [I] try to stay in the present as much as possible and worry about next year whenever that may be."

(On when his 'let it rip' mentality started) "I think last week I felt it more than I had in the past. Kind of what I hit on before, it's just different situations I've been in. [I] played a little in Tampa and then they went on to draft Jameis [Winston]. When you're younger, you're thinking about those kinds of things more. When I was in Chicago, there was the whole Mitch Trubisky situation. As much as you try to not think about it, it's only human nature I think to kind of think about those kinds of things. Now, I'm at the point in my career where I just don't worry about that as much for a number of reasons. So, I feel good, I felt at ease playing the other day, and I'm going to do that again on Sunday."

(On his comfort level playing with this offense) "I feel good. Honestly, the whole week at practice last week might have been even better than I thought and that's carried over to today just making the play calls, seeing it. For not really having run the offense in a couple months, I felt good, I felt comfortable, and honestly felt like I had been in it. That was good and hopefully we'll only continue to improve this week."

(On DJ Chark Jr.) "He's a great player. I think watching from a distance last year I knew the name, I knew he was a good player. But when I got here this year, it was probably three days into camp where I remember going up to him like, 'I didn't know you were this good.' I mean he can make a lot of plays. I've been with a lot of good receivers and he's up there, so I'm excited to get the opportunity to hopefully play with him this week."
