"More Than a Game," the nationally syndicated television show that highlights the positive aspects of sports, will be featuring the Jaguars Foundation's "Straight Talk," a poignant program about the prevention of teen pregnancy and the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, on Saturday, April 7th at 11:30 am on WJXT, channel 4.
Delores Barr Weaver, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation, has passionately embraced this social issue since the rate of teen pregnancy in Jacksonville is higher than the national average. Jaguars players Fernando Bryant and Donavin Darius "speak out" by telling their stories about growing up on and off the field for this "More Than a Game" feature.
The "Straight Talk" program is designed to give candid information on sex and it's consequences faced by teenager's today. The Jaguars Foundation has been a leading force in helping educate both youth and parents to navigate their way through issues involving teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI's) in a straightforward and non-judgmental way.
The Jaguars Foundation is also getting prepared for our third local "Straight Talk" broadcast. This town hall forum will include a live discussion by experts and questions from the teen studio audience as well as participants by phone or internet. That program is planned for a live broadcast on May 24th at 8 p.m. on channels 30 and 7, and rebroadcast through May 31st on the other local stations.