Every NFL team was asked to select a popular player from their team to represent them in a weekly training camp blog. When no popular player volunteered the team became desperate and they came to me.

I can already tell it's going to be a special year because no one has mistaken me for Tyson Alualu as I make my daily walk into the stadium. Do my calves look like hamstrings? I didn't think so.
There has been a lot of buzz generated with our locker room renovations. It's definitely an upgrade to say the least. Our sound system is unmatched to the point where even a slow paced, soft Celine Dion song can be turned up to levels that will make your ears bleed.
If you follow any player on Twitter, you will know how in shape we are. I don't feel the need to get into team overall conditioning. However if you're in the dark ages and not on Twitter (spoiler alert), everyone has been training hard and everyone is excited to start the season.
And now for my first prediction. The way Bryan Anger (punter) is treating pigskins with his foot it's safe to say he will move ahead of fur coats and authentic UGG boats and be #1 on PETA's most wanted.
That's it for now.