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O-Zone: All in always

JACKSONVILLE – Let's get to it …

Scott from Gilbert, AZ

Zone, Am I overthinking this or does it seem like a base 4-3 will better suit our front seven personnel, allowing linebacker Devin Lloyd to now play his more natural proactive "Sam" role rather than the much more reactive "Mike," as well as edges Josh Allen and Travon Walker focusing almost solely on getting after the quarterback as opposed to occasionally having to drop into coverage? Nose tackle DaVon Hamilton's highlights from Ohio State appear to mostly come from him playing 4-3, and it would seem to the untrained eye that defensive lineman Roy Robertson-Harris' skill set might also best be used in a 4-3. I get that defenses all play hybrid schemes, but do you think we have some guys that might be better utilized in this year's base defense?

Loyal O-Zone readers – and he knows who he is – know I believe NFL analysts tend to overplay coaching and scheme. Those elements matter. If they didn't, there would be no coaches and players would line up wherever they damned well pleased. At the same time, neither coaching nor scheme magically turn good players great or subpar players good. Still, I do think Walker and Allen will benefit from not dropping in coverage as often; I've never been that big on asking pass rushers to cover. And Lloyd could be better served in a scheme more oriented to chasing the ball and making plays. Stay tuned.

Deane from Daytona Beach, FL

Yo, O-Zone!!! For some time now the Jags have talked about how these veteran additions from "winning" programs will help the team as a whole. I understand the cumulative effect they can have on their side of the ball. However, how do they improve their group? Is it how they see the game, how they analyze film, or is it by always doing extra reps after practice? Besides being a good player, what does being from a "winning" program have to do with anything? What says you O-Zone???

A little of all the above. Teams and young players typically follow and "take their cues" from veteran leaders. Many free agents signed by the Jaguars this offseason – players such as defensive lineman Arik Armstead (San Francisco 49ers), center Mitch Morse and wide receiver Gabe Davis (Buffalo Bills), cornerback Ronald Darby (Baltimore Ravens) – have played on perennial playoff contenders. They know how winning looks. They have experience making big plays in critical situations. They know what championship preparation means. You can't necessarily analyze a particular area it helps – and there's no guarantee championship experience translates to a new environment. But it sure doesn't hurt.

Tom from The Mean Streets of Nocatee

Regarding the availability of food and drink surrounding Florida Field, the Purple Porpoise was relocated about two miles east on University a few years ago, so the answer is there is no.

I would very much like to say I remember many, many good times at the Porpoise. That wouldn't be true.

Dwayne from Jacksonville

I bet you're happy Shad Khan is the magnanimous sort when they start calling "The Stadium of the Future" the "House that Ozone Built." P.S.: Everyone should know you were complementary not just to Mike Bianchi, but to all your former co-authors.

While I expect Jaguars Owner Shad Khan might like the idea of the House That O-Zone Built, my guess is the Stadium of the Future ultimately will go the way of pretty much all big-time sports stadiums these days with a corporate name and identity. This isn't me saying "Get Off My Lawn." Professional sports are about corporate sponsorship. That's not good or bad. It just is. P.S. – Mike Bianchi being a close friend isn't why I compliment his work. He's a fine, talented columnist. This was true when he worked in Gainesville. It was true for the five-odd years he worked in Jacksonville. It remains true.

Brad from The Avenues

More importantly, will there be a Sbarro in the new stadium?

One can hope.

Michael from Orange Park, FL

Gee, this really IS the dead zone. Remind me, Zone: Am I supposed to be excited or nervous about the upcoming season?

I suppose for most Jaguars fans the answer is a little of both. This is true for any fan of any team because this is sports and not scripted television, which means as good – or bad – as your team may seem entering a season or a game, much can go right or wrong to dictate outcomes. For Jaguars fans, I would think they would be excited entering the 2024 season. This is a good team. It was contending for the best record in the AFC entering December before injuries and circumstance derailed a good season. The team has strengthened some weaknesses along the offensive and defensive lines this offseason, and there's every reason to believe Lawrence's continued development will help this team contend for the AFC South title. Why be nervous? Because this is an old team in a few key spots, which makes you concerned about injuries/wear and tear. And because offseason veteran additions don't always work out as planned. And because Lawrence must continue developing and reduce turnovers. Bottom line: Be excited AND nervous, and enjoy the ride. The Jaguars have had winning seasons the last two seasons and have a good chance to make the postseason in 2024. These are fun times, even with the nerves.

Marcus from Jax

I have a question about the streak. Not trying to throw shade at your otherworldly accomplishment, but I do have to know, have you actually written one per day for the entire streak, or do you often write several in a day and then spend the intervening days napping? Either way, I don't think an asterisk is necessary, I just have to know. Actually, I don't have to know, I'm just curious. Well, curious may be too strong a word…yeah, I don't actually care so, whatever.

I write the O-Zone at various times of day at various times of the year. Sometimes some questions and answers that don't make it one day get used the next day. Some days I write essentially the whole thing in one day. Or in one caffeine-fueled burst. Most days, I write at least some of it "live." Or relatively live. It posts daily. And I don't know that anyone is supposed to care. Just read it. Or don't. It's there whether you view it or not. Like Roadhouse on TBS.

Keith from Saint Augustine, FL

Johnny O, I'm extremely concerned about the possibility of injuries this year. I mean, what are we fans to do if you pull up with writer's cramp? Worse yet, what if you're lost for the season due to carpal tunnel syndrome? Who's next man up? Will they be able to lead us?

Writer's cramp isn't particularly a "thing" these days, with keyboards long since replacing pencils. Writer's "block" is sometimes a "thing" for writers who strive for creativity and excellence. I've long since given up on such things, so we're safe. Carpal tunnel most often strikes those who spend countless hours at the keyboard. That makes this also the domain of those striving for excellence. You can rest easy.

Sean from Oakleaf, FL

When the NFL Owners vote on the Jacksonville Stadium deal in October does the detailed 2027 home game plan need to be part of the structure of what is voted on - or is "either Orlando or Gainesville" enough detail for the Owners to move forward with a yes vote?

A detailed breakdown of the stadiums to be used must be part of the plan.

Andrew from Little Elm, TX

I love the streak and look forward to reading the O-Zone every day. That being said, the streak should end when the Jags win the Super Bowl. That very next day. No Zone. No "be nice" messages. No "all-in" responses. Just bask in the glory of the W. You'll have earned it.

I expect the Jaguars winning the Super Bowl indeed would be enough to end the streak. If I recall correctly, I may have mentioned that possibility when the streak began. It wouldn't end the day after the game, however. That would be a day for celebration and fun. Except for Jerell, of course.

Clyde from Jacksonville

I can remember going into the 1999 season believing our beloved Jaguars would win a Super Bowl, exciting times in the late 1990s. But now a young hot shot quarterback, stud pass rusher, perhaps a Super Star wide receiver and many, many other very good players our future is so bright. How about 2028 moving into the best NFL football stadium in the country. 30 years guaranteed Jacksonville Jaguars will be here I am 58 years old and believe I'll see multiple Super Bowl trophies in the next decade. Great time to be a Jaguar. I do appreciate you Mr. O. Keep up the good work.

One fer all of it.
