Thousands of excited youth are awaiting their day in the Jaguars Foundation Honor Rows!
Beginning with the September 10 game against the Dallas Cowboys and continuing through the end of the season, more than 3,300 youth (plus their chaperones) from the organizations listed below will be celebrating their accomplishments at Alltel Stadium because they will have earned their seat to the Honor Rows.
Seated in the 300-level section of the North End Zone, boys and girls will have worked hard to get here. They will have improved their academic performance, engaged in positive behavior, learned about the benefits of good nutrition and physical fitness, and participated in a variety of community service projects. All youth will make and keep a tobacco, alcohol and drug-free pledge, with support from their parents and mentors.
Honor Rows is a unique program that uses seats at Jaguars home games as incentives for young people to set and achieve ambitious but realistic goals. This season, 43 agencies are participating. Each Honor Rows youth receives a special T-shirt, hat, free meal, certificate of achievement and recognition during the game by the Weavers and jaguars fans. The personal goals and skills each youth attains have a long-lasting impact on their future.
Honor Rows was instituted in 1995 during the Jacksonville Jaguars inaugural season, "The Season of Firsts." The Jaguars Foundation is sponsored by Reebok and ALLTEL. The United Way of NE Florida mobilizes game-day volunteers who ensure the safety and enjoyment of Honor Rows participants.
The following agencies are currently implementing the Foundation's Honor Rows program:
Bethel Baptist B.E.S.T. Academy
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Florida
Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida
Bridge of Northeast Florida
Central Metropolitan CME Church
Child Guidance Center
Children's Home Society
Communities In Schools of Jacksonville
Communities In Schools of Nassau County
Communities In Schools o f St. John's County
Community Connections of Jacksonville
Cultural Center of Ponte Vedra Beach
daniel, Inc.
Duval County 4-H Foundation
Empowerment Resources
EPIC Community Services
Families First
FRESH Ministries/ Monique Burr Foundation
Gateway Community Services
Girls Inc. of Jacksonville
Guardian of Dreams (St. Pius and Holy Rosary Schools)
Habitat for Humanity of Jacksonville Beaches
Hollybrook Homes
Jacksonville Public Library Foundation
Jacksonville Youth Sanctuary
Jewish Family & Community Services
Mali Vai Washington Kids Foundation
Metro Kids Konnection
Northeast Florida Community Action Agency
Otis Smith Foundation
PACE Center For Girls
Police Athletic League of Jacksonville
Potter's House Christian Academy
River Region Human Services
Sanctuary of Northeast Florida
Shands Jacksonville - Sickle Cell Program
St. John's County Police Athletic League in Hastings
State Attorney's Office
The Children's Place
United Congregations For Communities & Youth
YMCA - Baker County
For more information about The Foundation's Honor Rows Program or other Foundation initiatives, please contact Tarek Tabet or Peter Racine at 633 - 6579.