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Doug Marrone - Wednesday, November 28, 2018

(Opening statement) "We were informed today that Leonard's one-game suspension is being served this week. It's disappointing. It's a reflection on me; I've said that before. I have to do a better job of talking about the personal fouls, which obviously, we are the highest. I gave that information out the other day. Right now, we're doing things that don't give us a chance to win, and that's one of them, and that has to be corrected."

(On the fine line between personal fouls and aggressive play) "I think everyone that watches the game can see it. If it's a retaliation, if it's a punch, if it's things like … Some of them obviously – personal fouls or just egregious stuff – we see and address with the team. It has been addressed and obviously further steps have to be taken for us."

(On what further steps have to be taken) "I'll talk about it with the team."

(On Ronnie Harrison not playing as many snaps as he was earlier in the season) "He was doing well with that package. We didn't have an opportunity to keep playing it. That's really what happened and what changed. We had a pretty good package going for a while, but because of the personnel and things like that, we are a little bit limited, so we haven't played it as much."

(On if it's opposing personnel that isn't allowing them to play the package with Ronnie Harrison) "No, it's our personnel and against opposing personnel, too."

(On what he expects to be different with Scott Milanovich calling the plays) "It's always going to be a difference. Obviously, we have the same system. We aren't going to be changing the terminology in a week. Cody [Kessler] played in this system and now he gets a full week of playing. I think that Scott knows what Cody can do obviously – he was his position coach. We'll see when we get out there and see things during the week of what we're going to be able to use."

(On if Cody Kessler's mindset is helpful) "I think anytime you get an opportunity to play in this league, especially at that position, it's a big opportunity for him. How he performs, how the people perform around him … You don't really get a lot of opportunities like this in this league and when you do, I think you have to take full advantage of it."

(On if the penalties are undisciplined, carelessness or stupidity) "I think all of those things fall into the category. But again, the way the team plays is a reflection on me. I understand that. I always have. I've always taken a lot of pride in having a well-disciplined, smart football team and obviously I'm not getting that done. I've been through that before. We've been able to overcome that and I think when we do, then we have a better opportunity to win football games. There are measures you can take that you hope you don't have to get there and I'm probably getting them too late. I wasn't expecting that out of our football team in year two.

(On if the penalties and discipline problems are fixable overnight or in a week) "There are a lot of combinations of how to fix it. But we're looking to fix it right overnight, yes."

(On the common thought that the only way to punish players is their playing time or their pocket book) "I don't necessarily think that ... I think it's a little bit different, honestly. I don't think the punishment in the pocket book is always the best method. I think that education and learning give you a better chance long-term for those things not to occur."

(On if he's disappointed with Carlos Hyde and how he has picked up the playbook and become acclimated) "I think Carlos would say there are some things that he needs to do a better job of coming in midseason and getting caught up. I think naturally anyone that comes in may be disappointed. He was a starting running back and obviously we have Leonard [Fournette] here as the starting running back. He probably took less of a role when that [the trade] occurred. Obviously, he wants to be a starting running back and he has the ability to be one in this league. I did like what I saw from him the second week – the second week being in there playing and keep going on … He's going to have a good opportunity this week and he'll be able to get in there and play. I'm excited about that. I think it's always tough when you come to a team in the middle of the year, but he's handled it well. We haven't had any issues that way."

(On if he's concerned there may be consequences for him based on the team's performance and behavior on the field this season) "I just think the penalties are one of many things for me. That's how I look at it. Consequences? You mean like I'm not going to be here? That's always the case. The one thing you have to do is you have to hold your head up and keep going every day. That's the one thing I will always be able to do. It's not going to be a lack of effort. It's not going to be a lack of working. It's basically just going to be an end result; you either get it done or you don't get it done. If it's not good enough for the people you work for, then hey, they're going to let you go. We all know that. It's nothing to hold your head down about or nothing to feel bad about. It's like anything else. I walk in around here, it's embarrassing, it's frustrating … But at the end of the day, there has to be leadership somewhere. Someone has to step up, someone has to go and lead. Like I said, I love this place. I love Jacksonville. It's my home. I plan on being here for a while, meaning in the city. I'm never going to drop my head. I'm working my butt off to do the best job I can. I think as long as you can do that and you don't sulk or make excuses or anything, I can look myself in the mirror and know I did everything I can. And you know what, that's fine. I'm only going to be disappointed with the results, but that's just the way it is."

(On how Taven Bryan has looked at the three-technique spot and if it's better than he looked outside) "I don't know if it's better than the outside, but I do see him coming on. I think it's a point in the year where he's starting to actually get better getting off blocks and making plays. I think his performance in the last couple weeks has definitely improved and that's encouraging."

(On if Taven Bryan is more comfortable at the three-technique position) "I think from my opinion, when you play a five-technique and a three-technique, that's very much the same thing. I think when you go out further and you play a six-technique or seven-technique on the tight end, that's where it becomes a little bit different."

(On if it's surprising that no players outside of Yannick Ngakoue and Calais Campbell have more than 1.0 sack) "I probably would be able to give you a better answer to that after I've watched it all. Because every week, I'm just focused on how we can get it and how we can do it."

(On his level of concern about Jalen Ramsey's availability on Sunday and if Ronnie Harrison will get more snaps on Sunday) "The first question – I have a high level of concern. I have to say questionable so I don't get fined? Not yet. Whatever it says on that thing [the injury report], that's what I'm going to say. I do have a high level of concern. We have two games in eight days, and he has a legitimate thing that he's dealing with. I think it'll be tough. I think we'll have a better idea later in the week, but I do have a high level of concern. The second question – I think as the week goes by you'll see that [Ronnie Harrison is getting more snaps]. We'll see what we're doing come Sunday."
