Jaguars special teams coordinator Russ Purnell will headline a Team Teal rally on Thursday, April 14 at Palencia Park and Pavilion. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. and is open to the public.
Purnell will be joined by former Jaguar and Team Teal commissioner Tony Boselli, Jaxson de Ville and members of the ROAR. Inflatable games will be available for kids in attendance and food will be provided by Bono's.
Team Teal was created in 2010 as part of an aggressive civic initiative to help out sell out Jaguars home games so they could be televised locally, and to solidify the future of the franchise in Jacksonville. More than 12,000 new season tickets were sold in 2010 while the team saw a renewal rate of 90 percent by season ticket holders. The Jaguars did not have a home game blacked out in 2010 after having nine blackouts in 2009.