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All Byron, all of the time

Join senior editor Vic Ketchman as he tackles the fans' tough questions.

Courtney from Jacksonville:
Would you mind listing your all-time Jaguars team, position by position?

Vic: OT—Tony Boselli, Leon Searcy; G—Chris Naeole, Rich Tylski; C—Brad Meester; QB—Mark Brunell; RB—Fred Taylor, James Stewart; TE—Kyle Brady; WR—Jimmy Smith, Keenan McCardell; DT—Marcus Stroud, John Henderson; DE—Tony Brackens, Paul Spicer; LB—Mike Peterson, Kevin Hardy, Hardy Nickerson; CB—Rashean Mathis, Aaron Beasley; S—Donovin Darius, Deon Grant.

Julio from Riverside, CA:
I'll see you in Philly. Do you want to join my friends and I and go to a strip club?

Vic: The other Vic would've gone with you, but he's staying home this week and the real Vic is going to Philadelphia. The bad Vic did a terrible job in Houston.

Nick from Jacksonville:
I will be at Lincoln Financial Field this Sunday with my Jaguars shirt and will be proud of it, win or lose. Oh yeah, I better pack my green and white jacket, I think it's going to be cold up there.

Vic: If you take off that coat, you'll leave that place covered in food and spit.

Jeff from Jacksonville:
You made the comment that the Jags are going to have to do what the Patriots did last year involving all of their injuries. Honestly, I think comparing the Patriots to the Jaguars is like comparing apples to oranges. The Jaguars are not even close to reaching the Patriots on maturity, talent and coaching. Maybe I misread what you meant. Could you possibly be more specific on what issue the Jags would have to do to possible be a playoff contender again?

Vic: At midseason last year, the Patriots were 4-4 and coming off a 41-20 seal-clubbing at home against the Colts on national TV. They were without several key players, including Rodney Harrison, Richard Seymour and starting left tackle Matt Lyght. The Pats had already played much of the season without Tedy Bruschi, would be without Corey Dillon for several games and lost starting center Dan Koppen for the second half of the season. The Pats were already over the tough part of their schedule, but they managed to put a nice six-wins-in-seven-games run together that carried them to the playoffs. In the process, they started to get players back and develop young players. In my opinion, that's what the Jaguars have to do. They have to win some games and stay alive in the playoff chase and hope that in the process they will get some players back and develop some young guys. What I want is for this team to enter the final month of the season in playoff contention and see what they do at crunch time. That's always been my thing. I wanna know what a team has in its belly at crunch time. That's December. That's when real football begins. What you have to do between now and then is win enough games to be a contender.

Spencer from Neptune Beach, FL:
Mentally weak, no excuses, what is all this crap? Those phrases have absolutely no meaning. The Jaguars played a bad game; the Texans played a good one.

Vic: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner in the "Show Us Your Brain" contest. Just when I thought I couldn't read one more cliché, intelligent life surfaces.

Kaarel from Tallinn, Estonia:
In the Jaguars' current situation, help is obviously not on the way, so what kind of adjustments can you see the coaching staff possibly making?

Vic: Until they get players back and hit their stride again, the Jaguars have to find a way to shorten the game. That means run the ball, force turnovers, win field position, etc. This is not a time to get into shootouts.

Tony from Jacksonville:
I try to watch the different styles at the QB position and I'm wondering where the trend is leading. We have the Mike Vick style (scramble, run and throw), we have the Tom Brady style (pure pocket presence), and many others. Still, the most impressive is the Peyton Manning style (read the defense and direct the offense).

Vic: You don't think Brady reads the defense and directs the offense? You need to check yourself. Here's the style I like best: Play great in the postseason.

Kyle from Callahan, FL:
Do you think it's time to look at changing quarterbacks? I just think Leftwich had his chance and he did nothing with it. I feel the people of Jacksonville need a change.

Vic: So you think the Jaguars should make a change at quarterback because the people of Jacksonville need a change? You better check yourself, too. There's only one reason any coach should make a lineup change: Because it gives his team the best chance to win. What the fans want should have nothing to do with it.

Jaime from Jacksonville:
Is what happened Monday night with Bill Parcells and the benching of Bledsoe the reason Jack Del Rio is hesitant to take Byron out of the game, even if he is not being effective?

Vic: Parcells pulled Bledsoe because he reached the end of his rope. He had stuck with Bledsoe far longer than Cowboys fans wanted. No job is for life. If a quarterback doesn't perform up to expectations, he's got to be replaced. But you better be sure of the decision you're making because once you pull him, you have to commit to the guy who replaces him. Nothing good is accomplished by wavering at that position. It requires a commitment to one guy.

Ray from Jacksonville:
While many of the established NFL franchises had half-filled stadiums in the '60's, we don't have that luxury of time to grow with the league but, at the same time, I can't stand to hear people use their season tickets as some type of threat.

Vic: Ray, that's a great observation. A lot of NFL franchises didn't have full stadiums until the game's popularity exploded in the early '70's. Those franchises had the opportunity to grow with the league. Jacksonville doesn't have that advantage. Thank you for having a brain and making an intelligent comment.

Barret from Jacksonville:
Who else thinks Vic Ketchman is a complete idiot? Who else reads "Ask Vic" to see what the old idiot is gonna say today?

Vic:We tried to do a poll on the "Message Board" but it didn't work. IT says that if I give them a couple of days, they can arrange for a poll on "Ask Vic," so that's what we're going to do. When the IT boys can make it work, we'll do a "Is Vic an idiot?" poll. Thanks for your patience.

Don from Ponte Vedra Beach, FL:
Losing does two things: It builds character or it makes teams/players give up. This team is not the kind of team to give up. You win with well-coached talent and with all the injuries our talent level has been reduced. The only way this team makes it to the playoffs is if Byron and the offense can rise to the challenge. Your thoughts?

Vic: I couldn't agree more.

Joel from Yulee, FL:
Is it just me or did the Texans use the same strategy against us as the Redskins: Attack our linebackers with screens, misdirections and the short passing game? If so, isn't every team going to do this against us?

Vic: What the Texans did against the Jaguars is what the Texans do against everybody. That's their style, but, yes, the Jaguars are going to see more of it.

Jason from Jacksonville:
You seemed kind of grumpy on Tuesday, Vic. Were all the e-mails you received on Tuesday morning that bad? When was the last time the fans have been this worked up about a loss?

Vic: The last time was after the Washington game, and the last time before that was after the Indianapolis game. Jacksonville does not lose well.

Chad from Tampa, FL:
When you were younger, were you the last one to be picked during the pick-up games?

Vic: How did you know?

Kyle from Charleston, IL:
I've been reading "Ask Vic" for a while now and I've been wondering how did you start all of this? It seems to be really popular to everyone, not just Jaguar fans.

Vic: It started with the idea that it would be a good way of answering draft order questions and cap questions, etc.; innocuous stuff that would provide the fans with important information. It has turned into a place for people to dump their frustrations. Hey, it's up to you guys. Even though my name is on it and I pick the questions, it's really your column because it's for your entertainment. If you want to use this opportunity to mock me, fine. If you want to use it to attack Byron Leftwich, go ahead. Either way, I get paid. This is what I do for a living.

Derek from Rio Rancho, NM:
I don't know about you but I thought Clint Ingram played well on the outside and that Daryl Smith was solid in the middle, but he's no Mike Peterson. What are your thoughts?

Vic: Mike Smith told me that Ingram played satisfactorily and that Smith played real well except for one play. Frankly, I saw something in Smith at middle linebacker that I haven't always seen in him on the outside; a kind of comfort that breeds aggressiveness.

Brian from Jacksonville:
Is there someone from the NFL that inspects the field, to check dimensions, yard lines, goal posts, etc.?

Vic: The officials inspect the field, including the quality of the turf, the day before the game. If there's a problem, they get it corrected. If the turf is not up to NFL standards, they'll report it to the league office and the team can be fined.

Mike from Mill Valley, CA:
Over the last couple of years, a lot of people have expressed their discontent with Byron Leftwich as the quarterback of the Jaguars.

Vic: Really? You're kidding. Wow! This is something I've got to look into.

Chris from Jacksonville:
Why were so many questions answered on Tuesday? Thank you for opening my football mind.

Vic: I was just trying to be a nice guy. A lot of people were upset by the loss so I put a little extra effort into it.

Seth from Jacksonville:
I think Del Rio is off base saying that his staff needs to get him better information regarding Leftwich's foot. If you observed it from the press box that Byron may have been off, our coach certainly should have from the field.

Vic: No coach wants to make a change at that position. Trust me on that, please. When you make a move at quarterback, especially in this town where there is such passion for a change at that position, you are risking the possibility of opening Pandora's box. The next thing you know, you're changing quarterbacks weekly and that's a killer. A team needs a quarterback it can identify as its leader. That means he has to be "The Man," and there can only be one "Man." I have no doubt Del Rio wanted to find a way to win by sticking with Leftwich. Every coach would want to do the same in that situation. Leftwich's injury, however, was too significant for it to have been overcome. I admire Del Rio for admitting that and I admire him for having spent a lot of time after Monday's press conference looking at tape of Byron, going back to spring OTA's, to determine whether Byron was himself on Sunday or not. I think what Jack is saying is that he wanted one of the senior members of his offensive staff to back him off, to "open" his eyes. That would require a lot of courage by a staff member, but football is a game of courage.

Lyn from Jacksonville:
"What if the Jaguars give up on Leftwich, as you have, and he goes on to be a top quarterback for another team?" Is this a valid reason to keep anyone? Not to be antagonistic, but I'd like to see you answer your own question.

Vic: Of course it would be a valid reason. If the guy goes on to have success somewhere else, then there's no reason he couldn't have been successful with you. If he goes on to have success somewhere else, then you've put the blame on the wrong guy and that's a clear evaluation mistake. Those kinds of mistakes are franchise killers. You have to be absolutely sure about the players in whom you've invested this much time and effort. We have not reached the point of being sure, yet, one way or another.

Miguel from Mexico City, Mexico:
Do you honestly believe Leftwich will get a big deal if the Jaguars let him go? Do you really think he is an elite QB?

Vic: He is not an elite quarterback at this time. I'm not even sure he has to be an elite quarterback to be judged a success. I do believe, however, that if you tried to trade him in the offseason, you would have a lot of interested teams, and they are teams that would be willing to "bite the bullet" in contract negotiations. Quarterback is the most important position in sports and a lot of teams don't have one. They would view Leftwich as a young quarterback entering the prime of his career.

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