Dear Jaguars Fans,
The first ten years of Jaguars Football have been both exciting and challenging. Together, we have shared countless unforgettable moments- many thrilling, some disappointing. As we prepare for our 11th season, I am just as excited today about our team and community as we all were when we started this journey in 1993. Our vision has never been more clear. Our goals have not changed. We are as committed as ever to bringing Jacksonville a Championship team. We have tasted the thrill of the NFL playoff hunt, and experienced the challenge of recovering from a losing season. We have hosted a Super Bowl and now what remains is the goal that we all share – to become Super Bowl Champions.
It is time for us to take the next step and join that elite group of teams who fill their stadiums on Sunday afternoons and create a real home-field advantage. In order to accomplish this, we have made two very bold decisions:
- First, we have reduced the size of ALLTEL Stadium by covering 9,713 seats. This decision gives us a far greater opportunity to fill our stadium, develop traditions, and establish a home-field advantage that will be recognized across the League.
- Second, we have eliminated the requirements for long-term contract commitments and security seat deposits on all non-club seats. Doing this will make it easier to become, and remain a Jaguars Season Ticket Holder.
I am encouraged to report that since February, we have sold over 3,600 season tickets, leaving only 5,521 non-club season tickets available. Of those, only 789 remain in the Upper Deck. As we move forward, we will keep you informed of our progress.
I cannot tell you how strongly I feel about achieving these goals. Once we are able to fill ALLTEL Stadium, the League will permit us to televise all Jaguars games – home and away – so that all of our fans can participate in the tradition of Jaguars Football.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank the thousands of loyal season ticket holders, many of whom I have had the pleasure of meeting, for your continued support and enthusiasm. For those of you who are not yet season ticket holders, I invite you to join us as we continue our efforts to build a Championship team.
Sincerely yours,

Wayne Weaver