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It's all about one day now

Join Senior Editor Vic Ketchman as he tackles the fans' tough questions.

Greg from Jacksonville:
What was the actual attendance? I thought it looked pretty good from where I was sitting.

Vic: 52,341.

Logan from Big Bear City, CA:
Who would you rather play in the playoffs, the Ravens in Baltimore or the Patriots in Jacksonville?

Vic: I'd rather play the Ravens in a gravel pit than play the Patriots on a field of pillows. Ask the Bears who they'd rather play.

Artie from Portland, ME:
I'm reading a book on biological evolution and one sentence reads as, "There have been extraordinary periods of life explosion, invariably succeeded by great dyings out." Prior to your articles, I would've assumed "dyings out" to be a typo, but I remembered the English lesson I learned from you about "times out" and not "time outs."

Vic: Remember it this way: The outs aren't timing but the times are outing.

Rob from Jacksonville:
Did you see on NFL Network that all three commentators, Michael Irvin, Deion Sanders and Steve Mariucci, picked the Jags to win at Indy? I think we have the NFL's attention.

Vic: I'm giddy.

Kevin from Jacksonville:
We're a better team today than we were when we played them last.

Vic: Yeah, the Jags are a much better team now than they were when they played the Colts on Oct. 3, but will they be a better team on Sunday than they were on Oct. 3? It's about one day now. What kind of team are you on that one day? That's what I love about December football. You reach a point that it's no longer about development, it's about now. It doesn't matter what you did yesterday or you're going to do tomorrow. Today is all that matters. We will reach that point in the season on Sunday.

Chris from Jacksonville:
I was surprised when you said that the call on Middleton was the correct call. After watching the hit over and over, it appeared Middleton hit Campbell in the shoulder and not the helmet. Do you still think it was the right call?

Vic: It was the right call because the top of William Middleton's helmet contacted the facemask of Jason Campbell's helmet. I watched it on coaches tape yesterday and it's easy to see the right call was made. The best way I can describe this situation is to use the words of somebody else who watched the play on tape with me: "bad rule, good call."

Donnie from Fredericksburg, VA:
Where have I heard this before? Coach Jack Del Rio on halftime adjustments: "We made a ton of adjustments and I said all kinds of magical words. You have to understand that may be the most overrated thing that's discussed because you're making adjustments throughout the game."

Vic: I was disappointed to see that so many media accounts of Sunday's game led with an alleged halftime pep talk to the team by Maurice Jones-Drew. You gotta be kidding me. That was the turning point in the game? Come on, guys, let's win one for the Gipper? That kind of stuff is meaningless, but players know they can quickly turn the media in that direction with the mere mention of it. It's really a cheap, tired and lazy angle to a story. All of a sudden, you don't have to do any work. You don't have to find out what the real issues in the game were and do the obligatory interviews that address those issues. All you have to do is write about the pep talk. Every time I hear this nonsense, I think about a story Joe Greene told me a long time ago. He said a journeyman player decided he was going to assume a leadership role on a young team that was seeking its identity by giving an impassioned halftime pep talk to his teammates. Joe said that all of a sudden he saw Chuck Noll walk up behind the guy, tap him on the shoulder and tell him to sit down and shut up. Joe said Noll then told his team, "This is what we're gonna do and this is how we're gonna do it," and Joe said he knew at that moment he was playing for the right coach and it was only a matter of time before the team started winning. Players don't want pep talks. They want direction.

Veda from Jacksonville:
I won't waste time digging up the "Ask Vic" from the beginning of training camp, when you told us fans to enjoy watching a team improve and don't expect playoffs. Do you expect playoffs now?

Vic: Why do you wanna set yourself up for disappointment? Just watch the game. Watch it all unfold. We don't need expectations now. That's for the offseason. This is December. We're there. Just watch and enjoy.

Jason from Jacksonville:
Are we battle-hardened? I don't want to hear we'll find out against Indy. I want to know from the guru himself. Are we battle-hardened?

Vic: I don't know. We'll find out on Sunday. This is December. This is when we get the answers to all of our questions. All you have to do is wait five days and you'll have your answer.

Jakob from Reading, PA:
How do you beat New England?

Vic: You put the long coat on the quarterback. That's the only way I see it happening.

Guy from Hilton Head Island, SC:
I have a confession to make. I am a poor father and a bad husband. I leave my wife and kid on many Sundays and drive to Jacksonville from South Carolina to attend football games.

Vic: Time away from home has saved a lot of marriages.

Shannon from North Little Rock, AR:
The green light above Ben Roethlisberger's head seems to be stuck. Will the NFL at some point step in and allow it to turn red or will it take a career-ending injury to satisfy them?

Vic: I heard he took another obvious shot to the head Sunday that wasn't flagged. Clearly, he is not the favored one.

Steve from Ponte Vedra Beach, FL:
"Marcus the Great" needed to add one more to his list: A day with the family at the game is a great experience.

Vic: Yes, it is, and I hope the owners and players will make every possible effort in their new CBA negotiations to make tickets more affordable for families.

Joe from Orlando, FL:
Do you think Marcus has fun shoe-shopping with his wife on Sundays?

Vic: All right, that's enough. I think there needs to be a little bit more of Marcus in all of us. Our wives deserve more attention from us. I know Marcus' comments have stirred something inside me. I'm gonna go home tonight and look for that you-owe-me-a-gift-that-says-I-love-you coupon book my wife gave me at Christmas a couple of years ago and see if I can find a coupon in it for something she'll like. Something real nice.

Greg from St. Johns, FL:
Over and above the alleged piped-in noise at Lucas Oil Stadium, I expect this game to be among the loudest, most hostile environments the Jaguars have played in. Will they do something different this week to prepare for the noise?

Vic: They practice in recorded audio for every game; this week won't be any different. If I was a coach, I'd call the coach at Gallaudet during the offseason and get his thoughts on preparing a team to play "silent" football.

Saad from Jacksonville:
I'm tired of the excuses. I could have not showed up to the Colts game, because we were just blown out two weeks in a row. Honestly, I didn't want to go, but I did anyway.

Vic: Sometimes you just have to tough it out. Hey, there are a lot of Sundays when I'd like to sleep in and take the day off, but I know there's a press credential and a parking pass downstairs waiting for me, calling out to me: "Vic, get up. It's time to go. This is what you do. You like to watch." Do you know what it's like not being able to eat those hot dogs? This has been the toughest season of my career. Not one dog! I'm gonna make it. Somehow, some way, I'm gonna make it.

Jimmicane from Cardiff, CA:
David Garrard was credited for an interception in Sunday's game. How is that possible? It was clearly a fumble by Mike Thomas. Does the league look at these and fix them like they do with sacks?

Vic: The Calvin Johnson non-catch was in week one. We're now in week 14. How long is it going to take for these "new" rules to sink in? If the receiver is going down as he's in the act of attempting to catch the ball, the catch isn't complete until the receiver maintains possession through the ground.

Dustin from Orange Park, FL:
You keep saying it's all or nothing in Indy but I have done all possible scenarios in my head. If we lose to Indy, we can still make it into the playoffs by beating the Redskins and Texans and Indy losing to Oakland, which I personally believe Indy will. Just sayin'.

Vic: Yeah, that's right. There's also a lot of things that have to happen, as opposed to one thing that has to happen this Sunday for the Jaguars to claim the division title. You'd be comfortable with having to win in Houston to win the division title? Not me. I think this is the Jaguars' best shot: Win in Indy and they're in.

Dane from Jacksonville:
I just read that concussions in the NFL are up 21 percent from last year. Of course, the only logical thing we can do in response is to allow the players more space so they can build up speed to spear each other using even larger helmets.

Vic: It doesn't make much sense, does it? What I think is most important is that the league comes to the understanding that the current way of doing things isn't working. When fines are at an unprecedented number and level and the concussions count continues to climb, I think it's safe to assume the current system isn't working.

Adam from Jacksonville:
The Jaguars excel at running the football. The Colts are last in the league at stopping the run. The Colts are first in the league at passing, while the Jaguars struggle to stop the passing attack. Looks like it will come down to imposing your will. Who do you think will do it?

Vic: I think both teams will impose their will. One will run and the other will pass and I think both teams will score a lot of points, just as they did on Oct. 3. The game will be decided by turnovers, just as it was on Oct. 3.

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